
I joined Wattpad in 2013 as a site to post my original work onto.

I have learnt a lot in the time I have been on wattpad, and garnered much advice and helpful critiques to improve my own writing.

I have also read a massive amount of books on the site. There are some phenomenal books on wattpad just waiting to be read. There are also hidden gems just bursting to be seen.

Over the years I have stockpiled the stories that impacted me the most and have saved them into a ‘perfection’ book list.

I wanted to create the Wattpad Showcase to show those stories of ‘perfection’ that I have read over the years. These are books that have mostly remained unpublished but have anywhere from 10,000 reads to +1 million reads. I always fall back on Wattpad when I haven’t got many books on my shelf to read. It is a wondrous way to get more diversity into what you are reading and to discover some absolute gems you never knew you needed in life.

I will be splitting the showcases into years – otherwise the post would go on forever!

I hope you enjoy this segment of the blog and if you have any Wattpad recommendations for me, just let me know.

Hannah xoxo